700px Crypto2003

Cryptology isn't a mere collection of papers. It is also a community of real people. In this crypto lounge, I've collected some videos showing famous cryptologists from a more personal side: commemorative lectures, discussion panels, interviews etc.

While the focus is more on personal interviews, I've also listed some regular lectures and invited talks directed at a more general audience that I particularly liked, when I couldn't find more personal footage. They too capture at least a tiny fraction of the real human behind the author's name on a paper.

If you scroll down, you'll also find a series of semi off-topic videos on non-crypto related subjects, which you may find interesting.

This playlist is "work in progress": I'll update it now and then, so feel free to come back for updates.

Famous Cryptologists

Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Len Adleman

Whitfield Diffie, Martin E. Hellman

Vincent Rijmen, Joan Daemen

Michael Rabin

Tal Rabin

Shafi Goldwasser, Avi Wigderson, Silvio Micali

Mihir Bellare, Philipp Rogaway

Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange, Nadia Heninger

Ivan Damgård

Ueli Maurer

Dan Boneh, Victor Shoup

Amir Herzberg

Manindra Agrawal

More Famous Scientists and Engineers

The End?

IACR's Video Collection

You may get lucky to find your favorite cryptologist in a recording of some of the IACR meetings and conferences:

Miscellaneous Crypto Talks

Semi Off-Topic (non-crypto)

This is a sub-playlist of videos that I've stumbled across while looking for various crypto-related discplines like, e.g. quantum compting or anything else. I think they're amazing and funny and instructive; definitely worth watching on your spare time.

The Adversary :-)

Seeking current videos about SIGINT agencies with a focus on cryptography from all over the world. They embody the archetypical cryptographic Adversary that we all love to depict with the cute BSD Daemon in slides. It would be interesting to see the world from their perspective. If you have suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.

Quantum Computing

General Computing

Signal Processing

